Tips: How to Create the Illusion of Full Lips

By Unknown - 6:30:00 pm

Creating the look of having full lips has been one of the on-going trends of this year (and even last year), spurred on by celebrities such as the well known Kylie Jenner, full lips are everywhere! Though I have to admit that I’m not a huge fan of those super huge, overdrawn lips that clearly aren’t natural, but I do like to create the illusion of having naturally plump lips every now and again. To do this I use a few makeup products that I have had in my collection for such a long time now.

1. Contour and highlight - Another trend that everyone seemed to go slightly crazy for, is heavy contouring, whether that be cream or powder. To create the illusion of fuller lips, I take a tiny amount of my contour shade onto a brush (I like to use the Contour Kit from Sleek) and very lightly dust it below my lower lip making sure to blend out any harsh lines. This shouldn’t so much as add colour, but should add more of a shadowed look, making your lips appear fuller. I then take a smaller brush and pop a bit of highlighter onto my cupids bow.

2. Even out your lips using a liner - After prepping my lips with a lip balm, I use my lip liner to even out my lips. I line right up to, and sometimes slightly outside of my natural lip line. My lips aren't completely even on both sides so using a liner creates the illusion that they are.

3. Add a layer of gloss - One of my favourite ways to create the illusion of full lips is to add a small layer of gloss. I love how plump a gloss can make your lips look, some of my favourites to use are from Tanya Burr Cosmetics and Soap and Glory.

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  1. Great tips, I agree with (and do) all of these and agree, gloss helps really give the illusion of plump lips!

    Amy -

    1. Thank you, gloss makes the perfect final layer! :)

  2. This is such a great tips for fuller lips . I never really tried contouring so I might try this. Thanks for sharing.

    Ana -

  3. This was such an interesting read, I'll definitely be trying this out.

  4. I always use my lipgloss to make my lips look fuller and it works every time! :)

