Inspiration: Gossip Girl

By Unknown - 1:06:00 pm

I've been obsessing over Blair Waldorf's outfits and have even considered investing in a headband, I'm hooked. Gossip Girl has become my latest tv obsession even though I'm so so late on the band wagon. I just love their designer lifestyles and love the fact that Vera Wang made a cameo on the show!! 

Blair's wedding dresses were to die for (both times!!) but I have to say the pale blue one is my favourite.

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  1. I loooove the pale blue one! Its sooo unique! <3<3

    xoxo Colli // my blog - tobeyoutiful // Bloglovin'

  2. I've been obsessed with Gossip Girl lately as well! I got a bit bored of it when it used to be on but I have no idea why! Thank god for Netflix.

    Katie xx


    1. I don't think I could function without Netflix! Haha x
