October Blogging Goals

By Unknown - 9:00:00 am

Last months blogging goals went well to say the least, and to celebrate, I have launched a small giveaway to say thank you. (Check out my last post if your interested in winning a Mac eyeshadow!). I've decided to continue with this kind of post as last month it really did help to keep me focused.

1. Run my first successful giveaway - As I previously mentioned, I've launched a small giveaway to say thank you to you, my followers as last month I reached 100 Bloglovin followers. 

2. To schedule as many posts as possible - I am usually one for scheduling posts in advance but over the last few months have seemed to leave things until the last minute. This month I will make it my goal to schedule as many of my posts beforehand so that posts go live at a regular time and day.

3. To discover at least five new blogs - I love finding new blogs to follow but lately haven't really stumbled over many. This month I would love to find at least five news ones to follow so if anyone has any favourites, please let me know!

Do you have any blogging goals for this month?

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  1. lovely goals! I should make some too. Well if you re looking for new blog to follow , here mine (hopefully you'll like it) :


    1. Thank you, its a great way to stick to them! :)

  2. I'm definitely with you on the scheduling posts goal, I'm so last minute!

    Danielle's Beauty Blog

  3. I also need to schedule posts and wanna find new blogs, I always read the same ones.
    Good Luck with your giveaway!

    xo, Esther


  4. This post is a great idea, having goals always helps to keep you motivated! Good luck this month :)


  5. I need to work on scheduling posts so badly haha, also congratulations on 100 bloglovin followers!


  6. Congrats on 100+ followers on Bloglovin :) Every time I say I must have at least 4-5 posts ready but never manage to do it. I should set it as a goal too!


    1. Thank you! Haha i've been the same this month x

  7. Congratulations girl! You seem very driven, and your goals sound like you actually stick to them! x

  8. Great goals! I need to schedule some more of my posts in advance too. I feel better about myself when I'm organised.
    Tegan xx - Permanent Procrastination

  9. Useful goals to set! I need to get myself on track with scheduling posts, leaving things until the last minute is one of my worst habits!

    Misia xx | gowashyourface.com

  10. I really need to get on track with my blogging schedule, have been all over the place. Discovering new blogs is always fun.

    Sam || Beautydetour

  11. I really should have blogging goals. But I'm honestly just enjoying it as it comes!

    Aine Oh

    1. I completely understand where your coming from!x
