5 Things To Do In Your Spare Time

By Unknown - 7:14:00 pm

Todays post is about things to do in your spare time. Whenever I have a day off I don't seem to do anything productive, I just lounge around, which I'm all for every now and again, but lately I've been trying to find things to do so that I'm actually doing something worth while rather than wasting a day. With Easter holidays starting, I thought it would make a good idea for a post.

1. Read a book - This is one i've been doing a lot the past few months. I used to love reading but for reason stopped, however I recently got back into and have been reading non-stop. I've been thinking of doing a book recommendation post, or something along those lines, let me know what you think!

2. Exercise - Go for a run, or pop down to the gym. Either way, just half an hour of exercise can put you in a better mood and will be of benefit to you too! The first few times is always the worst, but when I get into a routine of exercising I always feel so much better about myself. 

3. Do your school/college/uni work - It's always better to get any work you have, done and other with rather than leaving it to the last minute, so why not use your spare time to do it? 

4. Run errands - Again, why not sort any errands you have whilst you have some extra time, rather than running around at the last minute to get them done.

5. Meet up with an old friend - A good old catch up with someone you haven't seen in a while is always a good way to spend your time. Why not meet at a coffee shop or go for a bite to eat?

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  1. These are great things to do! I need to start reading too, I haven't in so long!

    Neeny x


    1. Thanks, I was the same until last month and I have been reading non stop ever since x

  2. Great ideas, I'll definitely pick up a book or two this holiday!
    The Urban Obsessions // Vegan Food & Lifestyle Blog

    1. Thank you! Hope you have a good easter holiday too x

  3. Love this post! I always find myself at the gym during my free time! Either that or cleaning.

    Connie | Sponsored by Coffee | Bloglovin’

  4. Thanks for the ideas, I love to do my nails when I have a little spare time :P


    1. No problem, thanks for reading! Me too :)

  5. I really need to get back to reading more before bed! xx

    Magpie Jasmine

    1. That's what I've been doing lately, and find I get a much better sleep! x

  6. 5 and 2 are always good. I'm currently looking for a new exercise challenge to try over the week off Becky // Rebecca Marie xx

    1. Same here! Let me know if you find a good one :)

  7. I've gotten back into reading lately too, would love a book rec post! x

    Josie’s Journal

    1. I love reading atm! I will try and get one up asap x

  8. I should be doing number 3 at the moment! Neglecting work! :p Great post.

    G.J - Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle

  9. This is such a lovely post hun. Lately I've been struggling to find spare time to do anything, but when I do manage to, reading, catching up on other blogs and meeting friends is at the top of my list :)


    1. Thank you Elle! Same here lately especially with all of my exams coming soon :)

  10. Oh goodness, I'm a professional 'faffer' I need to follow your rules religiously!
    Marina x
    Marina-Simone Blog
