February Favourites (Non-Beauty)

By Unknown - 4:48:00 pm

This is the time of month were I usually rave about those beauty products that I have been loving, however this month has been less of a focus of makeup and beauty products, but on more lifestyle type things. I have recently gotten back into reading so have had my head in a book most days, but I haven't forgotten my favourite tv shows (which I will be posting about soon!) and movies as well as some great apps, Bloggers and Youtubers!

Pinterest - This month I've been obsessed with Pinterest! It such a good app for those times when your lacking inspiration and once I start pinning I can't seem to stop. If you follow me on Pinterest you'll see that I have a slight, ok, maybe a huge,  obsession with Lily Collins and Alexa Chung this month and have been pinning them non-stop. I have taken a step away from Tumblr and have moved towards Pinterest due to it being a much more organised way to get inspiration, and I'm a sucker for organisation!

The Mortal Instruments Book Series - I have finally gotten around to starting this series and am currently half way through book 4 and just can't get enough. I know I'll be so disappointed when I finish the series and just want to know more so if anyone else has any book recommendations please let me know below!

Lily Melrose - I'm sure that I've featured Lily in one of my other favourites and she still doesn't disappoint  I've been particularly loving her blog this month as she not only posts about all things fashion and beauty, but also writes some really good advice posts too! 

Pretty Little Liars - I have always loved this series, but since Netflix has started airing it weekly I have been even more obsessed with it than I already was. Things are starting to get really heated up for the girls and I'm so excited (but kind of scared??) to finally know who 'A' is.

10 Things I Hate About You - This is one of my favourite films and one that I have especially been loving this month. Everyone needs a bit of young Heath Ledger in their lives, don't you think? 

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  1. Ah yes, greatttt movie. I've watched it several times. Nice post :)

    Erin | Erin and Katherine Talk Beauty

  2. 10 things I hate about you is one of my faves also. What is more its inspiring for its fashion!


  3. Haha I know what you mean about Pinterest, I LOVE it and once I start scrolling I literally can't stop! x

    Lucy Amelia | flawedfairytale

  4. Ahhhh Pretty Little Liars!!! What season are you on? I'm still playing catch up as I'm only on season 2! I want to find out who A is!! x

    1. I all up to date, just watched the finale actually! It such a good show isn't it?!x
