My Favourite Perfume: Giorgio Armani 'Si'

By Unknown - 9:30:00 am

I was never one for buying expensive perfumes until earlier this year, then one day this little bottle was bought for me by a family member whilst they were in a Duty Free. They did a wonderful job of choosing, as this perfume went on to fuel my love for perfumery and is my most favourite scent to date. 

I feel like the best place to start in my attempt to describe just how lovely this perfume is, is with it's bottle. Of course, as with all perfumes, the bottle is the first thing that you notice about it, and I feel as if it reflects its scent perfectly. This particular perfume has a very simple, but classic look about it. Both girly, yet not too girly at the same time. The bottles heavy glass, black cap and gold trimmings make it feel elegantly expensive.

The scent is sweet, but not sickly sweet. With a deep fruity scent (blackberry I believe!), woody tones and airy florals this is my perfect scent. I find it so tricky to describe scents so I think I'm going to leave it there.
I do find that this perfume is slightly more long lasting than others that I've tried and you don't need to drown yourself in it in order to be able to build up a significant scent on your skin. I spritz this on my wrists and neck and don't feel the need to constantly reapply throughout the day.

What's your favourite perfume at the moment?

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  1. Replies
    1. It is isn't it?! I always seem to gravitate to perfumes with lovely bottles.

  2. This is such a beautiful scent, I just wish it was slightly less expensive! I've been wearing Jimmy Choo Flash recently and absoultely love it. x

    Jordan Alice

    1. I agree, though I love it so much I don't think I could be without so will probably end up repurchasing! I will have to check that one out next time i'm near a perfume shop x

  3. I love love love this perfume, my mum wears it, before a night out I always borrow it haha! x

    1. Its lovely isn't it!! Perfect for a night out x

  4. this is such a nice sent. my best friend wear it a lot and i love it on her.

  5. I love Si, unfortunately mine got stolen out of my luggage when I was flying :( But Zara's Oriental is an amazing dupe!

    Tia |

    1. No way?! :( That's interesting! I will have to try that one out next time I'm near a Zara store, thanks x
