From The Drugstore: Mua Luxe Bronze and Sculpt Contour Kit*

By Unknown - 10:00:00 am

Today's 'From The Drugstore' post features Mua's Luxe Bronze and Sculpt Contour Kit*. I have tried products from Mua in the past and have really enjoyed using them so when Product Testing Uk (they are currently looking for beauty bloggers to work with so if your interested then check out this link!) asked if I wanted to review something from them, I jumped at the chance! Not only is this product an affordable take on the hugely loved contour kits, but it came at the perfect time for me as I have been looking for makeup products that are multi-purpose and compact so that I can easily take them away with me when travelling. An added bonus, and probably the thing that the brand is most well known for, is their insanely affordable prices with this particular product costing a mere £5. Perhaps the only downside is that Mua's products are only available to buy from Superdrug (online and in selected stores) or direct from their website.

The packaging is not overly luxurious, but is expected at such an affordable price. The compact itself is fairly bulky, comes with a good sized mirror and has two separate compartments - one for highlight, and another for contour. The kit comes in two shade choices, light/medium and medium/dark.

As I mentioned, there are two compartments within the compact and the first I'm going to touch upon is the highlighter. As you can see from the photo below, the highlighter has an almost champagne tone to it, however once the top layer has been worn away the powder becomes less champagne and more silver (you can see swatches below!) which surprisingly, I loved! I tend to apply this to the high points of the cheekbones, above the brow bone, the cupids bow and to the nose and think that this would be a perfect product to achieve the latest beauty craze - strobing!

The bronzer like the highlighter comes in it's own compartment and should have a similar finish but mine shattered as it came through the post box so had to do a little 'diy' to save it! (A post coming on that soon!) After a few days of trying to save the shattered powder, I finally got around to trying it out. I used a Real Techniques Blush brush to apply this over the areas that the light would naturally hit and found that although this bronzer is the perfect shade for me and my pale skin, it needed building up a fair bit in order to achieve even a subtle bronze. 

Swatches (Left to right) - Highlight, Bronzer

Overall, I think that this product makes a good addition to the drugstore, making it even easier (and affordable) to give contouring a go! Although I found the bronzer needed a few layers in order to really see the product on the skin, I think that it's worth paying the mere £5 just for the highlighter, which is just beautiful!

Have you tried this sculpting kit? What are your favourite products to contour and highlight the face?

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  1. It's a shame the bronzer smashed. I actually like the fact that you need to build it up a lot, it makes it easier to not apply too much. The highlighter looks lovely as well.

    The Velvet Black | UK Style & Beauty Blog

    1. I know what you mean, especially if you have pale skin! I do really love the highlighter x

  2. This is so pretty!

  3. looks beautiful!

  4. It's such a shame your bronzer shattered! I've had similar experiences in the past, I can't wait to hear how you saved it! I just put a pillow and a thick mat under my door when I'm expecting parcels to stop things breaking! :')

    The highlighter looks so gorgeous though! I need to start checking out MUA, I never usually bother but it sounds like they have some nice products!

    Becki, xo
    <a href="htttp://”></a>

    1. A post will be coming up on that very soon! That's a great idea, I will definitely be using that :) Mua have some really great products and are so affordable x

  5. The packaging of this product is so neat - I love it! It's such a shame the bronzer shattered but both powders have a lovely colour to them :) x
    Charlotte's Road

  6. I don't think this bronzer would be a good option for my sallow skin but i like that it's cool toned and it would probably be perfect for paler skin tones x

    Beauty with charm | Zoeva Giveaway

    1. That's a shame but I know what you mean! It works really well for my skin tone x

  7. looks, and sounds, like a lovely little compact! the highlighter is a gorgeous colour x

    Hannah x hannatalks
