Blogging Goals: AUGUST

By Unknown - 10:00:00 am

As you may have noticed, I took an unintentional break from my blog but have now decided to get back into the swing of things so have decided to set a few blogging goals to keep me motivated. This month I plan to get back into a routine and upload on a regular basis. If I can get through this month then I'm sure things will be back to normal in no time! I'm going to keep things short and sweet with only two goals this month.

1. Find a new routine! - Routines are one of the most important things when it comes to blogging as many of you will agree. Having a routine allows us to keep on track and dedicate enough time to both our personal lives and blogging. My everyday life is a little different now that it was before I put the blog on hold so will have to come up with a new routine and may change the days on which I upload. 

2. Come up with a list of new ideas for blog posts - This is a goal that I've already started but one that I want to continue to add to. I have lots of new and fun ideas for blog posts in the future so by making a note of those ideas whenever they spring to mind make sure that I don't forget them!

Do you have any blogging goals for this month?

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  1. i personally have to work on both things you just mentioned. its so hard for me to stick to a schedule sometimes.

    1. It can be a pain can't it? I do find that when I do manage to stick to a schedule that everything runs a lot more smoothly though :)

  2. My blogging goal for August is to simply get stuff done. I tend to spend forever planning things versus actually accomplishing them, so I'm spending August constantly in motion to get things completed. Welcome back from your break!


    1. I can relate with you on that one! :) I'm definitely a procrastinator haha x

  3. Great ideas! I always struggle with post ideas. I really should start a list.

    :) Diana |

    1. Thanks! Making a list is a great help for me x

  4. I personally have goals too! I'm trying to find a way to write about my travel destinations in a more interesting way, also as I've just started I'm trying to see what kind of posts people enjoy to read :)

    I definitely agree about having a routine though! It's so much more helpful knowing when and what you are doing <3
