Tips: Covering an Angry Spot!

By Unknown - 9:00:00 am

Lately my skin has been acting out (which I've decided is the downside of falling back in love with Mac's Studio Fix Fluid) and have been frantically looking for the best ways to cover up those angry spots. I've read countless blog posts/articles, from 'how to get rid of spots asap!!' to 'the best skincare products for oily/acne prone skin' and have finally created a routine that works to minimise the look of spots, as well as any scarring that they've left behind.

Tips: Covering an Angry Spot!

1. Start by cleansing the skin (and exfoliating only if needed) - It's always best to start with fresh and clean skin so now is the time to use your regular cleanser, whether that be the 'wash off' kind or simply a micellar water.

2. Moisturise, concentrating on the dryer areas of your skin - Apply a moisturiser all over the face and leave to sink in for around ten minutes, even if you have oily skin. This not only leaves your skin feeling healthy and looking awake but works to create a good base for your makeup.

3. Apply a small amount of eye drops to the affected areas - This may sounds pretty bizarre, and, of course is optional but don't kick it until you've tried it. I was watching an old Youtube video from Sali Hughes where she mentioned that using a tiny amount of whatever over the counter eye drops you have lying around the house can reduce the redness of your spots. I was a bit dubious but since I had a bottle of Optrex in my stash I decided to give it a try, and believe it or not, it actually worked!

4. Layer your concealor - Yet another one of Sali Hughes' amazing tips. After applying your foundation, spot conceal then apply a very, very thin layer of powder. I find that a loose powder works best as it doesn't leave the skin looking cakey. I then go in with another layer of concealor, making sure not to apply too much and then powder. I usually do this two/three  times or until the spot is nicely covered.

5. Avoid highlighting - This may be pretty obvious but I wanted to include this as a tip due to highlighting being such a popular step in most peoples makeup routines. Highlighting will draw more attention to the areas where it is applied so when having a particularly bad skin day it's best to step away from the highlighter. 

Do you have any good tips for covering spots? Have you tried any of these tips?

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  1. Such great tips!! :)<3

  2. ooh fantastic tips! could definitely do with this for my skin at the moment

    from helen at

    ps. win some amazing USA beauty goodies from lorac, tarte etc on my blog! click here.

  3. Mac studio fix fluid breaks you out? I think my Mac face and body breaks me out so I want to try the MUFE face and body instead. It's not worth ruining my skin over :)


    1. There must be something in the Mac foundations that doesn't get on with our skin! I've heard quite a few people say the same unfortunately:/

  4. Great tips, I'll give them a go when i get a spot!

    1. Thanks! Let me know how they work for you :)

  5. I'm going to keep that eye drops tip in mind!

    Erin | Erin and Katherine Talk Beauty

    1. I was surprised that it actually works! I've always got some on hand now aha (:
