May Favourites

By Unknown - 9:00:00 am

I'm sure I say this every single month without fail but I cannot believe that May is over. That means that my birthday is next month, that my exams are almost over, that I finish college for this year and that it's time for another favourites post. Last month I decided not to post a monthly favourites as there were not a lot of products that really jumped out to me though I have definitely made up for that this month. 

Mac Mineralise Blush in 'Dainty' - This is a product that I have had in my collection for such a long time now and have especially been loving it this month. It gives off such a peachy glow to the cheeks which is spot on for Spring!

Mac Paint Pot in 'Painterly' - This is probably my favourite cream shadow for acting as a base. It works to cover any discolouration on the lids and prolongs the wear of your other shadows.

Topshop Glow Highlighter - I always seem to gravitate towards cream highlighters at this time of year, and this one is just lovely. I have recently written a review on this if you'd like to read about it in more detail (here), but have been applying a small amount onto the tops of my cheekbones and cupids bow lately.

Benefit Roller Lash Mascara - Since I got my hands on this sample I have been using it non-stop! I have never used a high end mascara before but this one has made me want to rush to my nearest Boots and stock up, it's that good. 

Soap and Glory Butter Yourself Moisture Lotion - I've never really been one for religiously using moisturiser (apart from on my face and neck) but this has totally gotten me hooked! It smells amazing, as do most of the products from Soap and Glory and I apply it whilst my skin is still damp and am left feeling silky smooth.

Soap and Glory Heel Genius - As summer is fast approaching I've been trying all sorts of creams in a bid to get my feet looking good in order to wear sandals. I apply this all over my feet, rub it in then pop on a pair of cotton socks and leave to do its magic.

What's been your favourite thing this month?

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  1. I want that mascara too, sounds amazing!!

    xoxo Colli // tobeyoutiful

  2. I've heard so many people rave about Mac dainty blush, I swatched it in store but it's so hard to tell with a blush swatched on your arm. Gotta try it on my face next time!


    1. I know exactly what you mean! I think Dainty would really suit you though (:

  3. I absolutely love Roller Lash, it's definitely my favourite mascara at the moment!! Been really getting into Soap & Glory products recently, Heel Genius sounds perfect for summer so I'll definitely take a look at that next time I'm in store! Lovely post x

    emily x ❤ | emilyloula

    1. It's such an amazing mascara isn't it! I swear by this for the summer time (:

  4. I love benefits mascara, it probably the best I've ever tried. But I haven't tried that particular kind, I might have to give it a try. xox

    1. I'm completely converted!! You should definitely give this one a go x

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. So many lovely products on this post! Been wanting to try more Topshop make up and you've swayed me to it! x

    Rachel | x

    1. I love Glow! Let me know if you decide to pick it up (:

  7. I've been needing a body mosituritser and after reading this, I think I'm going to go for the Soap & Glory one. You have a great blog x

    A Little Bit Of Ghosiya

  8. Thank you! (: You should definitely try it our x

  9. Dainty is such a perfect summer shade, love blushes like that with a nice glow to them x

    Beauty with charm

    1. Me too! It's my perfect blush for this time of year x

  10. Replies
    1. It's such a beautiful highlighter isn't it? Thank you (:

  11. Lovely post! Does the roller lash mascara give you volume?
    Nati xx

    1. Thank you :) It gives length and curl rather than volume but you can definitely get away with layering it to add more volume without it looking clumpy.

  12. I've been tempted by Benefit's Roller Lash since it came out because I loved They're Real and have read so many rave reviews! I may have to splurge on it next time I'm in Boots...

    - Grace's Beauty Space xo

    1. Go for it! I'm sure you won't be disappointed ;)

  13. I still have yet to try roller lash...I need to get my hands on a tube!

    Elesaurus |
    Youtube - Eleanor Rose

    1. It's amazing!!! I've heard that one of the Maybelline mascaras is a very good dupe for it too (:

  14. loving the colors of the eyeshadows! great post!


    1. Thank you (: It's a brilliant base shade.

  15. I've heard amazing things about Dainty - you've used so much! I absolutely love Topshop Glow highlighter. It's gives the most gorgeous sheen!

    Tasha // shiwashiful.

    1. I know, I've almost hit pan, just shows how much I love and use it! Glow is a beautiful highlighter isn't it (:

  16. The blush is gorgeous think I just fell in love with it x
    han // em&han xo
