Tips: Gift Wrap Ideas

By Unknown - 5:05:00 pm

I am so so so excited for Christmas this year and have to admit that I've already started to wrap my presents for people! This year I've decided to do things differently as I usually just buy any old wrapping paper, but this year I've decided to put a bit more effort in and thought I'd give you some tips to make your presents look even more lovely! This year I've decided to use the same wrapping paper for everyone, so that's the same for girls and boys. I usually use a slightly different wrapping paper for both but this time I have chosen this brown paper gift wrap as it works well for both and can be jazzed up a bit using things like bows or ribbons. 

1. Brown Paper - Like I said above, using a paper like this means that I can use the same paper for everyone and use other things to decorate.

2. Ribbon - I've chosen this white fabric ribbon but any type of ribbon can make a present look really great! You can tie it around the present as you normally would, or like me, cut strips of the ribbon and attach it across the box.

3. Bows - Bows are a classic way to make your presents look even better, and there are so many different types that you can buy. Again I have gone for the white fabric bow which matches the ribbon, which I really like, but you could add one in red or green to add a pop of colour if you wanted.

4. Washi Tape - I'm still waiting on my wash tape to arrive, hence why I haven't got any on the presents yet, but if you haven't already heard of wash tape (which i'm sure most people have) it's basically a patterned tape used for arts and crafts and you can pick it up on ebay for about £1 a role. I've ordered two which are both red, one is polka dot and one is a red and white grid pattern. 

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  1. I lovvee wrapping things up in brown paper, it looks awesome! I wish my wrapping was neat like your aha

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

    1. Haha thats only the ones that you've seen! x

  2. Love the way you've wrapped yours. I'm not very good at wrapping so need all the tips I can get!
    Daniella x

  3. i love the simple brown paper this year, i just added red and gold ribbons to them.

  4. These are so cute. || AUS Fashion/Lifestyle
    p.s I am giving away a £30 ASOS voucher on my blog :)

  5. I've just done a very similar post with brown paper !! Lovely blog :) X

  6. So cute. I love personal touches like these x

  7. I am the most awful person at wrapping, but this looks so cute. I think I'll have to give this a go this year! :)

    Amzy In Wonderland x
