What I'm Watching: Tv Shows

By Unknown - 12:30:00 pm

I'm always looking for a new tv series to watch and get through them so quickly, so today's post is a little different to my usual kind of thing. I don't think I'd be able to function without Netflix or some kind of subscription to unlimited movies and tv shows!  This post is soley based on tv shows, but I may do a similar post on movies some time soon.

1. Lost - I've been watching this for the past month or so and am currently just starting season 5, so not long left and I'm completely obsessed! I love the constant twists and turns and that I never really know whats coming next, it's definitely worth a watch.

2. The Vampire Diaries - I've been watching this for a few years now and still love it! Part of the reason I started watching Lost was because Ian Somerholder who plays Damon in TVD was in it! The books are great but I have to admit that for this one I prefer the tv show.

3. Made In Chelsea - I love this purely because I love being nosey and seeing what everyone on the show is getting up to! There's always some kind of drama going on and your guaranteed some kind of argument each episode.

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  1. I started watching Lost a few months back and gave up after the first episode cos I couldn't get into it. I didn't give it much of a chance really ahaha, but now I know that Ian Somerholder is in it I will deffo be giving it another go!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog

    1. Haha! I was kind of the same at the beginning but am watching it right now and am addicted x
