Tips: Winter Beauty

By Unknown - 10:30:00 am

Today I'm here with a few beauty tips more tailored to winter, but that you could use all year runs if you wanted to. I love the winter time, the nights get darker and colder and I find that my house feels a lot more cosy, with blankets found scattered around the rooms. I love wrapping up warm with hats and scarfs, but I also make slight changes to my beauty routine.

1. Exfoliate the lips - I love the Lush Lip Scrub in 'bubblegum' as it just tastes so so good, but you can very easily and inexpensively make your own lip scrub using a bit of sugar and water. Also, if I don't have an exfoliator to hand I like to use the edge of a towel and rub it on my lips to remove the dry/chapped skin. Then to keep my lips looking smooth I like to apply a lip balm.

2. Moisturise - I moisturise whatever time of year it is, but even more so in the winter. My skin tends to dry up a lot more, especially on and around my cheek area so I like to use a slightly heavier moisturiser, one that does the job to get rid of the dryness of my cheeks, but not so much as to make my skin oily. I also like to use a body moisturiser to keep the rest of my body looking and feeling silky smooth.

3. Carry a hand cream with you - I can always be found with a hand cream on me, countless times people have asked to borrow it as they know that I'll always have it. I prefer to keep the smaller versions or travel sizes of products with me, as they fit much better in my bags (although my bags are always huge!!). I love the Soap and Glory Hand Food as it just smells so lovely and keeps my hands hydrated throughout the day. My hands get very dry in the winter so I like to reapply throughout the day, after washing my hands or even just if my hands feel like they need a bit more. 

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  1. I need to carry a hand cream with me! I'd love to try one of those lip scrubs too x

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