5 Things To Do Now That Exams Are Over + It's My Birthday!!

By Unknown - 9:30:00 am

Now that exam season is well over I sometimes find my self unsure of what to do with my free time. Of course the first few weeks of freedom are the best, but after a month or so things can get a little boring and you may be running out of productive things to do. I always seem to find myself in this situation around this time of year but this year I am determined to get up and do something worthwhile. Also, today is my birthday, and it's a pretty special one too, so as your reading this post I'm probably out for breakfast with my family (which i'm so excited for!). Plus, you know what a birthday means? Of course there will be a birthday haul coming soon if you'd like to see what I was lucky enough to be given, just let me know below if you would!

1. Find yourself a job/work more hours in your current job - A great way to spend your free time is to find yourself a job, or if you already have a job, work as many extra hours as you can. This is not only a productive way to use up your free time but will allow you to gain extra experience and earn money whist doing so. Think of all of the new things you could buy?!

2. Volunteer/start an internship - Another great way to use up your spare time is to sign up to a volunteering programme or an internship. Again this will gain you experience and looks great on a CV or Personal Statement.

3. Catch up on tv shows - Although a little less productive than the last two another good way to use your spare time is to catch up on the tv shows that you may have missed whilst revising. If your anything like me then you'll know what a struggle it is to miss your favourite tv shows as there are so many that I'm obsessed with! At the moment I'm loving Pretty Little Liars (of course!!) as well as Sons of Anarchy but would love to hear your suggestions as I', always looking for something new to watch.

4. Focus on your blog - Now is the perfect time to get to work on your blog. You could start by making a plan of the posts you'd like to write, then take photographs in bulk. If you use your time productively then your blog could really benefit from it!

5. Take some time to spend with friends and family - Exam stress can often isolate you from your friends and family s now that they are finally over you could meet up for a coffee or go out for lunch sometime.

What will you be doing now that exams are over?

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  1. I've actually been really busy these holidays! I've been doing a few more shifts at work which is great for my bank account but a bit tiring haha :P I've also been redoing my room/moving into my sister's old room so a lot of redecorating and homewares shopping (as well as cleaning) which is fun!

    Tasha // shiwashiful.

  2. Happy Birthday xx - Affraic

  3. Happy belated birthday!! :D I love watching Netflix shows, Lilyhammer and Hemlock Grove are 2 of the lesser known ones I'd recommend!

    Tara x

    1. Thank you! I loved Hemlock Grove, cannot wait for the new season x

  4. Belated happy birthday sweetie <3 waiting for the birthday haul :)

