5 Books That Are Definitely Worth a Read

By Unknown - 9:30:00 am

If you've read any of my posts from the last month or so, you'll have noticed that I've recently gotten back into reading, which I'm so happy about! I also mentioned that I may be writing a book recommendation post of some sort soon, and here it is. I've tried to include a range of books whether they be new or old to me, but wanted to make sure there was something for everyone. I'm always looking for something new to read, so please do let me know of any good ones in the comments!

1. 'The Mortal Instruments' series by Cassandra Clare - This is the books series that i'm currently reading and am actually on the final book. I absolutely love this series and if you've watched the film and haven't read the book then you should definitely give it a go. In my opinion the film wasn't nearly as good as the books and the film actually missed a lot of the best bits out.

2. 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Lee - This one is a classic and one that I absolutely love and could read over and over again. I bet this book reminds a lot of you of GCSE English, which is actually where I discovered this, but if you can get past that and give it another read, I'm sure now that you're that little bit older you'll enjoy it a lot more.

3. 'It' by Alexa Chung - I'm sure you've all seen this book before in the background of many blog posts or featured on Pinterest, but aside from it being pretty aesthetically pleasing it is a such a great read. I honestly didn't know what to expect when I read this as I'm not really into reading about celebrities' lives, but I've loved Alexa Chung for such a long time I had to give it a read. I was not disappointed! Alexa takes a different approach to her book, discusses her memories as a teenager and how she got into modelling, and also includes a ton of photographs too!

4. 'The Lovely Bones' by Alice Sebold - You may have seen the film version of this book, and so had I actually before I read this, but I'm very glad that I got around to reading it too! This is a bit of a weird one, but totally worth reading if you like books that make you think.

5. 'One Day' by David Nicholls - It's been a long time since I've read this one, but one that  I remember really enjoying. It's a bit of a 'lovey-dovey' one, which I'm not usually into, but I love the way that it's set out, focussing on the two main characters of the novel and what they get up to on the exact same day each year.

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  1. I haven't read any of these. 'It' has always been on my wishlist though, but I will add them to my 'must read list' haha!

    X Marjolein

    1. It's such a good book! Definitely worth adding to your 'must read' list :)

  2. I haven't read any of these. 'It' has always been on my wishlist though, but I will add them to my 'must read list' haha!

    X Marjolein

    1. It's such a great read, I'm sure you'd enjoy it x

  3. I really enjoyed One Day :) I might re-read it soon as I remember thinking it was fantastic the first time round xx

    Magpie Jasmine | Zoeva Brush Set Giveaway

  4. I've read 3 out of 5 on your list! #2 is a definite classic. Have you seen the movie with Gregory Peck in it? The movie is just as good as the book, and that's saying a lot! ;)


    1. Yes! The film is definitely just as good (:
