5 Quotes That I Love

By Unknown - 9:30:00 am

As I've said in a previous post (here), I'm a sucker for a good inspirational quote when I'm feeling a bit down. Here are five that I've found whilst on Pinterest, which by the way, have I mentioned how obsessed I am with?! I've recently used some of these to decorate my room and am thinking of doing some kind of diy post soon. 

Let me know of your favourites quotes/motto below :)

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  1. Really cute quotes. I'm also such a sucker for a good inspirational message :) One of my favourites is "Don't compare your behind the scenes to someone else's highlights reel." Lovely post x

    Love and Marmalade

  2. We love this quotes! Thanks for sharing! Come and meet our adventures in Paris at Paris Living

  3. I have a lot of quotes. But my favourite one is "Pain is inevitable.Suffering is optional"


  4. I love all these quotes but regardless of all the quotes that I have ever came across, nothing is more real as 'Love Thyself'. Always love yourself first because if you don't then no one else can.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. I totally agree, that is so important! (:

  5. Love these! My favourite quote is "all our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them" by Walt Disney xx


  6. Love these quotes! Thanks for sharing :) x

    The Belle Narrative

  7. Great quotes and a lovely post idea!

    Kirsty | www.kirsty.ws
