Review: Loreal La Palette Nude

By Unknown - 9:30:00 am

Yet another eye shadow palette to add to my collection. Honestly, I really could have done without this one, but I’d heard some really great things about it and the shades just looked so pretty, how could a girl resist? At first glance this looks like a very sleek, good quality palette especially since it’s from the drugstore, although the price tag isn’t as small as I would have thought at around £15. For a drugstore palette this is pretty pricey and because of that, I was expecting good things! Unfortunately though, this didn’t live up to its hype for me. Don’t get me wrong, I like this palette and use it from time to time, but I just don’t love it or reach for it daily. 

The first thing I noticed was the shade range. This palette includes 10 shades in total, 4 being matte and the other 6, shimmers. The shades are quite reminiscent of the Urban Decay ‘Naked 3’ palette which is one of my favourite eyeshadow palettes and like it, has some good matte shades which are great for blending out in the crease. I also love the lightest shade, which also reminds me that none of the shades have names which is a bit annoying when it comes to describing them, as I find that it’s a lovely highlight shade for the inner corner of the eye or even the brow bone. Though the shadows appear lovely, the pigmentation isn’t great, though some are better than others. I find the shimmer shades to be of better quality than the mattes giving off a more pigmented colour and not a lot of fall out. The mattes however, just don’t do a great job which is disappointing as they would make really good crease shades, especially the warm toned brown which I find a lot of palettes are lacking.

I do however, love the sleekness of this palette as it makes it great for travelling. It also has a decent sized mirror which I love in any palette/compact. I'm not sure that I would repurchase this, but I will definitely try to get my use of out this palette now that I have it.

Another thing that I wanted to mention was that I have been thinking a lot about guest blogging lately and would love some of you (if your interested that is!) to feature on my blog. Let me know what you think.

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  1. This palette looks amazing, especially for drugstore, and I think I'm going to get the second one with the purple tones, because I can't justify another brown neutrals palette!


    1. Aha, I know what you mean, I have WAY to many neutral palettes! (:

  2. A few people have mentioned the mattes and shimmers differ in quality, but it's nice to see a drugstore brand bring out a proper palette :) xx

    Magpie Jasmine | Zoeva Brush Set Giveaway

    1. I completely agree, and I'm quite disappointed I din't get on with this one as the shade range is lovely! (:

  3. I love the idea of this palette but if the quality isn't there it just doesn't make sense to run out and buy it! Glad I read this review as I've already got so many palettes that I don't want to be picking any up that aren't mind blowing xx

    Love and Marmalade

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! It does have some lovely shades doesn't it? (:

  5. I've actually heard that L'Oreal eye shadows are a bit of a disappointment which is a shame!

    1. I know,especially since as this wasn't exactly cheap either x

  6. Man, it's always disappointing when a product is mediocre. The lightest shade is quite pretty though. :]

    // ▲ ▲

    1. I know right?! It's such a shame as the shades are lovely x
