One Small Trick to Improve the Quality of Your Blog Photos

By Unknown - 9:30:00 am

One of the  most important things about blogging is that your blog photos are of good quality due to them being one the first things that people see when they visit your blog and today, you don't have to own an expensive dslr to do so as you can take good quality photos using your phone. I use my iPhone 5s to take all of the photos for my blog and although they aren't the best photos you'll stumble across, they are as good as I'm going to get at the moment as, as a student I can't afford to fork out the money for a decent camera so with a combination of good lighting and editing (as well as this new tip that I discovered) I make do.

I stumbled over this little trick a few weeks ago and have been sticking to it ever since. It does involve a editing your html codes but it is a lot easier than it looks! I know almost nothing about html codes, so if I can do this, I'm sure you'll find it very simple. 

1. Begin by uploading your chosen photos to your blog post whilst in draft/editing. I find that it's easier to do this before you add too much text as it makes your html codes look a lot simpler and makes it easier to find what you are looking for. 

2. Next you'll need to switch from the 'Compose' option to 'HTML' (see photo above for where to find it). If you look at the screen shot that I've taken from from my post you'll see that I've highlighted 's640', you'll need to change this to 's1600'. It is as simple as that! If you make sure that this is changed for each of your photos then the quality should look a lot better than they did before. The only thing is that you'll have to do this to every image in every blog post, but it's a very easy thing to change in order to get better quality photos for your blog.

Below you can see a before and after of a few photos taken from my blog. On the left is the photos with the html code 's640' and on the right the 's1600'

Did you already know about this trick? Let me know how you find it if you decide to give it a go!

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  1. What a fantastic tip. Thanks for sharing.

    Jenn | Jennifer Jayne

  2. This is such a great trick! Love the before and after :)


    1. It such an easy thing to do and makes such a difference :)

  3. Such good trick, will definitely be using this one in my future blog posts. Thank you so much for sharing! x

    ellie etc | a fashion & lifestyle blog

  4. Wow, that's a cool trick, thanks so much for sharing!!
    Nati xx

  5. Replies
    1. It's so simple yet makes such a difference :)

  6. Wow what a good tip! Thanks for sharing, I'll have to give it a go!

    1. No problem! Let me know if it worked for you :)

  7. I've never come across this tip before but will definitely be trying it - thank you! :) xx

    Jasmine Talks Beauty

    1. It's okay! Let me know how it goes for you x

  8. wow! <3 great post!! thanks for the tip :)
    Chloe xx

  9. That's a great tip, also changing the default setting of google+ can help enhance the quality of the blog pictures.

    Sam|| Beautydetour

  10. Fab tip! I just checked mine and apparently they're already on that number. Weird! x

    Hannah x | hannatalks

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Such a good tip will definitely be trying it out! Thanks for sharing :) xx
